Dunkleosteus Deceiver (Adept) Size: 3-4 tiles long Special Attacks: Charge P, Turnabout I, Rending Charge (Passive) - A charging Dunkleosteus' mask is lined with razor-like teeth, as such, a target injured by its Charge attack must make a Tier 3 Agility save or lose a limb, taking an additional 4 injuries. Weakness: The razor teeth on the deceiver's mask may be smashed with 3 points of impact damage directed to the mask, disabling its Rending Charge passive. Attack 9P End 6 Injuries 16 or 19 Defend 4 Agi 4 Move 8 Tiles (Underwater) Recover 6 Cun 3 Armor 3/1/2/0 Megalodon Deceiver (Master) Size: 6 tiles round Special Attacks: Charge P, Hip Check I, Blood Frenzy (Passive) Attacking an injured enemy in the water causes the Megalodon to attack with greater ferocity. If an injured hunter is attacked in the megalodon's frontal arc, the damage is increased by 4 dice of piercing damage, and the Agility save to escape being Consumed, if that ability is used, is increased to Tier 4. Weakness: Dealing 7 Injuries to the Megalodon's mask weakens it's abiity to use the mask's rending shark-like fangs cutting its piercing damage attacks in half. Attack 12P End 12 Injuries 23 Defend 5 Agi 3 Move 9 Tiles (Underwater) Recover 8 Cun 4 Armor 4/4/4/2 Livyatan deceiver (Grandmaster) Size 7 tiles long Special Attacks: Charge I, Tail Sweep I, Swallow Whole (Passive) - The mask of this deceiver is large enough to completely envelope a target, preventing them from ever escaping as they are swiftly consumed. If a hunter fails the save to avoid being consumed, they are trapped and instantly consumed. All injuries the hunter has remaining restore injuries on the deceiver. Weakness: Dealing 7 slashing or piercing damage to the deceiver's neck disables its ability to Consume and Swallow Whole. This must be done from the size arc tiles adjascent to the frontal arc. Attack 17P End 16 Injuries 30 Defend 5 Agi 5 Move 9 Tiles (Underwater) Recover 9 Cun 3 Armor 5/2/4/2