VOID - This corruption is one of absence, oblivion and nothingness. Akuma of this corruption tend to be nihilists and destroyers, worshippers of that which they may call "the great void" which entails a return of everything to nothingness predating even Solum. Corrupted humans follow similar patterns while correupted animals tend to be mindlessly ravenous, and corrupted deceivers somehow even more-so than usual. Corruption Modifiers: Corruption of a void nature leaves creatures gaunt while light plays oddly on their shadows. They tend to be lethargic, insatiably hungry and as though mortality is of no concern. Tainted - Recover +1, Injuries 2, Armor 0/1/0/1 Accursed - Recover +2, Injuries 4, Armor 1/1/1/1 Chosen - Recover +3, Injuries 6, Armor 1/2/1/2 DARKNESS Spell ---------- GLYPHS: S D L M HEART: Shadows, stillness Darkness (2) - Creates an area of darkness at the wielder's feet in a two tile radius. Enemies are unable to see through this area and are blinded while within the area. The Wielder and their allies are unaffected and the area lasts for one minute (10 combat rounds). Darkness II (3) - The area covered increases to a 3 tile radius instead. Darkness III (5) - The area of darkness rejects all sense of warmth, causing 3 Injuries that ignore Armor for any enemy that enters the area or starts their turn within the area. APATHY Charm (Touch) ---------- GLYPHS: All HEART: Peace, slumber, nihilism Apathy (2) - A touch-based Charm that drains the target of emotions and drive. When affected, the target must pass a Tier 3 Cunning save or succumb to apathy. A unit in this condition has their movement halved (round up) and must make all tests at disadvantage. The unit must retake the save at the start of each of their turns until they are no longer afflicted with apathy. Apathy II (3) - The target must now pass a Tier 4 Cunning save to overcome apathy. Each turn the target also loses 1 AT when they fail the Cunning save. Apathy III (5) - The target must now pass a Tier 5 Cunning save or immediately fall into an eternal slumber they cannot be woken from. SIPHON Charm (Touch) ---------- GLYPHS: S D M A HEART: Drain, transferance Siphon (2) - This power steals the magic that powers active spells and appropriates it for the caster. If a target hit with this charm has any enchantments or un-used charms or sigils active of no more than rank 1, the caster may deactivate one such power and create 1 mote. A mote is a small mass of magic that can be used to negate the create of a haunt. A wielder may have any number of motes and multiple motes can prevent multiple haunts, even abominations. However, like all magic, motes do not remain indefinitely and will fade away after combat, or after a few minutes if created outside of combat. Siphon II (4) - This power may now turn off Rank 2 enchantments, un-used charms or sigils. Rank 2 effects that are turned off generate 2 motes. Siphon III (6) - This power may now turn off Rank 3 enchantments, un-used charms or sigils. Rank 3 effects that are turned off generate 3 motes. FATIGUING Enchantment ---------- GLYPHS: All HEART: Rest, burden, exhurtion Fatiguing (3) - This power wreathes the caster's weapon in a haze that draws out the vital energy of living things on contact, causing them to become fatigued. If the user deals any Injuries, the affected unit loses 1 AT. Fatiguing II (4) - Now removes 2 AT by dealing any Injuries. Fatiguing III (5) - Now removes 3 AT by dealing any Injuries. ANTIMAGIC Spell ---------- GLYPHS: S L M HEART: Rejection, containment, suppression Antimagic (4) - This power creates either a wall 3 tiles long that extends high into the sky, or a single tile radius bubble from a point selected at Range S. These barriers resist magic passing through. Haunts and powers are unable to pass at all. Corrupted, Bonds and Abominations can pass through by spending an additional AT. Akuma are unable to cast powers through, but may pass through unimpeded. If either barrier attempts to intersect something that cannot pass through, the obstruction is shunted away from the barrier to the nearest space it can occupy. Physical, non-magical obstructions do not impede the barrier Antimagic II (6) - The wall may be 4 tiles long, the bubble may be 2 tile radius and either may be cast at Range M. Corrupted and Abominations are now unable to penetrate the barrier and Akuma may only do so by spending an AT. Antimagic III (8) - The wall may be 5 tiles long, the bubble may be 3 tile radius and either may be cast at Range L. The barriers are completely impenetrible to beings, objects and powers of magical nature. SUPPRESS Spell ---------- GLYPHS: L M HEART: Courage, fortitude, leadership Suppress (3) - A magical aura envelopes the caster, bolstering allies near them to be fearless and bold. The caster and any allies within 1 tile are granted 1 die on all tests and automatically pass the Cunning save required by Demon Fright I. Inspire may only be cast during combat as it draws on the adrenaline of a mortal danger to be overcome. Suppress II (4) - Now grants 2 dice on all tests and automatically pass the Cunning save required by Demon Fright II. Suppress III (6) - The aura now extends to allies within 2 tiles of the caster, grants 1 automatic success on all tests and automatically pass the Cunning save required by Demon Fright III. Vile Crowns of Void -------------------- MANTLE OF MALAISE ------------------ A dark, malicious shadow seems to flit among these horns from time to time and causes the shadow of the wielder to sometimes act eerily off. Somniferous Haze (6) - Upon activation, a misty haze rises from the ground enveloping all enemies within a 3 tile radius of the user. Enemies that fail to pass a Tier 4 Endurance save fall into a deep slumber. Each round, targets may attempt a Tier 4 Endurance save at the start of each of their turns to wake up. After failing 3 times, the target remains asleep for one hour but then wakes up automatically. The sleep induced by this ability is restless and tormented. Waking Nightmare (5) - The accursed may draw from the nightmares of the slumbering to conjur malicious spirits under their control. These phantom nightmares act in accordance with the Wielder's commands. Choose one target that is Unconscious or Slumbering and conjur a nightmare from them. These nightmares remain so long as the target remains asleep and will vanish if the target awakens or dies or if it is destroyed. Nightmares use the stats of an Assassin (page 388), and ignore difficult terrain by floating above the ground. GLUTTONOUS CREST ------------------ These unnerving, misshapen horns seem to consume any manner of trace matter like dirt or blood that happens to get on them while their bearer seems to be unable to fully shake a sensation of hunger. Ravenous Maw (1) - The accursed goes through a partial transformation that horribly unhinges their jaw, which enlarges to an unsettling, monstrous degree as their teeth become razor-sharp fangs. The Wielder gains a special bite attack (9 Attack, Piercing) and the ability to eat anything without ill effect as indeed anything they consume is obliterated before ever reaching their stomach. If the accursed deals any Injuries to a flesh-bodied target with this bite, it may restore 1 Injury. Due to the nature of this transformation, the Wielder may not benefit from any consumed item any more than they may be impacted negatively. The transformation lasts to the end of the day or until dispelled. OBLIVION CROWN ------------------ These horns seems at the same time dark as pitch, yet somehow like mirrors as they constantly absorb and distort light around them like water into a faucet. Erase (5) - With a touch, the accursed can utterly erase all traces of that which they touched. A target must make a Tier 5 Endurance save or be erased. Deceivers and Akuma are resistant to this power, only being partially erased, dealing 8 Injuries that ignore Armor to such targets as part of their bodies are erased. For non-living targets, objects up to the size of a cart can be instantly erased. You may opt to target a living being's equipment, rather than the being itself. (IE: Weapon, armor, etc) Vaccuum (7) - The accursed creates an area of void atmosphere, removing all air. The area fills a 5 tile radius around a point within Range M. Targets in this area when it is created, who enter it, or being their turn there must make a Tier 4 Endurance save or lose 1 AT. While inside the area, no-one may take the Recover action. If a target must lose an AT but has none, they immediately fall unconscious and take 1 Injury, and continue to take 1 Injury each round they remain in the area. The area remains for one hour or until dispelled. When dispelled, any targets within the area are pummeled by the air filling the space and take 10 dice of Impact damage.